Knapa yah rasanya kok nyesek begini,,
Apa cm perasaan aku aja y,,
I'm totally fed up!!
Stress krn pekerjaan,rmh,anak2 dan relationship
I need more space to spend my joy
Apa aku yg kurangbersyukur, Tuhan dh ngasihbanyak bgt kemurahan,kemudahan dlm hidupku,,tp kenapa yaaa,, aku ngerasa something wrongg,,
Pengen rasanya share,pny byk temen buat crita,tp ya itu suami kaya kurang suka klo aku kbanyakan bergaul,,that's what I feel,,bener2 aku kehilangan 1 hal yg dulu jd priority hdp aku ' friendship '
Pengen me time,disalon or apa gt,tp you know ada yg kayanya ga suka bgt kalo tau aku treatment atau skedar nyalon,, that's the second thing I've lost !!
They just concern about what I must to do! Tugas2 kewajiban aku sbg ibu,istri, damn! And finally they count my score,,take a look what I've done,,give some judges!
Well,sometimes I just wanna dissapeare..back off! I want to close my eyes,, hard to face up this reality
I'm upsett
No one ever know what I'm feeling,,
pretending everithings okay
Those are what I've thought,,ang here I'm hiding my tears behind a smile,,my worries behind the sielence
And I'm still dreaming,,,,
,the taste of 'real happiness' that i've ever felt
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